Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Jared and I decided to carve pumpkins tonight... well I should say that I carved one pumpkin and he murdered another. =) I tried out a pattern from the kit I bought at Target. Took me about an hour and my wrist was sore so I quit after one. It turned out pretty cool looking and Jared was pretty excited!

Jared wearing the pattern...

Look-a-likes! =)

The finished product...

And then we added it to our outside decor...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yard Work

Since it turned out that Jared was feeling much better by lunch time on our day off we decided to do some yard work. I borrowed Jeremy Brennan's gas powered sidewalk trimmer a while ago and decided to try it out. Worked great! Better than the manual one that I have. Then we got out the leaf blower to clean up that mess and get rid off the leaves that have been piling up in front of the house. Jared thought he'd take a turn... did pretty well! =) 

12 hour bug

Jared and I are spending the day at home today. Whatever he had only lasted about 12 hours. He got sick at daycare at 3:30pm yesterday and had his last puking episode at 3:20am this morning. What a fun night for Mommy! Had a few loads of laundry to do today but no major messes. 

Right now he's outside running around with the dog like normal. I, on the other hand, am shot from a sleepless night. He's waiting impatiently for his daddy to get home so he can go farming. "The corn is ready... let's go!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sick Kid

I got to daycare today and found out that I have a very sick little boy. It hit him about an hour or so before I got there. He was outside running around and playing and then he suddenly didn't feel so good and threw up. When I got there he was lying on the floor and complaining about his tummy hurting. Poor guy! I guess he had already thrown up and that didn't go over well. He hasn't thrown up since he was a baby so he didn't understand why his mouth tasted icky. He threw up one more time right when we got home. He barely made it out of the car so that was a close one!

Looks like we might be spending the day at home tomorrow. No fun! =(

Monday, October 13, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Jared has been going to swimming lessons for the last few weeks. It hasn't been going the greatest and he does NOT like going. He pretty much just hangs out on the steps and does his own thing... once in a while he'll follow along but that doesn't last too long.

The rest of the class is in the water... 
"I don't want to go in!"

Hangin' out on the steps

Then he finally gets in and a little girl steals his toy so he gets out to tell me he's mad...

It's hard not to laugh because he's SO dramatic... one minute he's having fun and then some kid splashes him and he's freakin' out! Here's a little video of him actually having fun! =)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Domeier's Pumpkin Fest

Grandma Deb, Jared and I went to Domeier's annual Pumpkin Fest. It's a fundraiser for NUACS. It was our first time and we were pretty impressed! There were lots of pumpkins (which we definitely did not need!) and gourds, a petting zoo, food and treats and all sorts of fun stuff to check out! We'll definitely have to go back next year!

The Narren were dancing to the polka music. 
Jared was a little scared to get too close... can you tell? :)

Mrs. Hillesheim's class scarecrow in "Scarecrow Alley". 
(She's aka Jared's auntie Kristin)

They had pumpkin rolling races in the pasture. (Beware of the cow pies!)
Jared won his race!