Friday, February 27, 2009

34 Week Check-Up... Almost

39 days to go!!!

I went in for another routine check-up this afternoon. I was in the waiting room for a  few minutes before they let me know that Dr. Jorve had to go deliver a baby so I had to reschedule for Monday afternoon. I'll update then! 

Everything is going pretty good so far. My back is still my biggest complaint. I've been going to aqua aerobics twice a week and that seems to help loosen and stretch my muscles. Hopefully it helps in the delivery room!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bock Fest 2009

We survived another Bock Fest! Mom and I worked our usual shift in one of the food locations. We start our day at 9am and are done by 12:30 which works out great because the gates open at 11 so we are done by the time it starts to get crazy busy. I borrow Laura Bohlmann's fur hat every year and get tons of compliments on it. It's super warm!

Me, Chelsey, James, Katie & Jesse

The crowd...

Friday, February 20, 2009

It still fits...

Well, at least he thought so! We've been slowly getting the nursery put back together. It's been a nice storage room since Jared moved to his BIG boy room in the basement. Today I was sitting at the dining room table when he came out of the baby's room with his old Lil' Devil costume on (he had it on backwards so we had to get that straightened out). I was actually surprised that it got over his head! It's obviously way too short and if he did the "fat guy in a little coat" move it would probably split open. He wore it two years ago when he was 2! His cousin, Alec Brennan, wore it this past Halloween... he is 2. Just gotta love how he gets SO excited about the goofiest things! 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busy Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Jared and I spent the day together at home. Nothing too exciting but I did catch a few of his classic "moments" on camera. First, I washed a bunch of our throw blankets... not very interesting, I know. But when I asked Jared to take them out of the dryer, this is what I saw when I went to check what he was giggling about...

"They're SO warm!" (He has a thing for warm laundry)

The sun was shining brightly today so our front porch really warmed up. It's gets nice and toasty out there so I told Jared to go out there and take a nap... he thought it was a great idea! I was trying to bake bars so I didn't need anymore "help" in the kitchen. After a few minutes of listening to him wrestle around I walked out there to find this... 

He has his jacket hood on his head and legs in the arm holes... what a monkey!

Then he popped out and made a funny face... never did take a nap!

Then, a little later, while I was still working on baking bars, he found this cool thing to play with. It's a syringe for medicine... again, not very interesting! He was pretending to give me shots like at the doctor. Then he wanted to put medicine in it so he could put it in his mouth. I decided water would be a better substitute! He sucked it up and then squirted it in his mouth... he thought it was the greatest thing ever! Why do we spend money on toys?!

He wasn't done yet... You always know he's up to something when it's quiet for more than a minute or two. He found the stash of rubber gloves and decided to put them on his hands AND his feet. Plus he found his crazy-eyed glasses... quite the get-up!  

Friday, February 13, 2009

New Bench

I got a new glider bench from Keith's parents for Christmas and the "guys" decided it was a good day to put it together. That was last Sunday... I came home from running errands in town and this is what I found in the front porch! Jared hollered "Surprise!" as I got walked in... too funny!

Daddy's little helper...

The final result...

Jared had to take a picture too...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

30 Week & 4 Year Check-Up

I forgot to post this last week. Jared and I had our checkups last Thursday. He had his annual checkup and I had yet another quick check. Jared is still growing like a weed! He is 43" tall and is 46 pounds. That means that he is in the 93rd percentile for both. That's why everyone always thinks he's 5 or 6!

Baby Beranek is still doing great! Heartbeat was 160 bpm and the belly is measuring right where it should be. Jared got to help hold the doppler to listen to the baby... had to be right there to check out what was going on! 

There's one more story to share from our day (thanks for reminding me, Kim!)...
We stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few things before heading home. We had been there for about 15 minutes when Jared decided it was time to go potty. It's always urgent by the time he figures out that he has to go so he just took off. I was trying to follow him and inform him that the restroom was at the back of the store but he was headed to the front. By the time I caught up to him (not fast with a cart and big belly), he was out the front door. Pants down to his knees, pointing "it" at Broadway, whizzing on a snow bank. I just about DIED! I grabbed him, yanked his pants up and drug him back into the store... trying to explain that you can't do that in town! It didn't help that it was a little before 5pm and traffic was pretty busy! I have no idea if anyone we know drove by because I was not going to make eye contact with anyone! Plus there were about 6 people by the check out line that had a clear view of the whole scene. Can you say embarrassed?! I did have to laugh, after the fact, but not until I paid for my stuff and got the heck outta there! This will be a good one to bring up in about 10 or 15 years!

Never a dull moment in our lives!!! And we wouldn't want it any other way! =)