Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chloe Walking - March 9th

I put together a few clips of Chloe just starting to walk at less than 11 months old!!!

It's almost a month old but it's amazing how quickly she has mastered it.

Click here to check it out!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ECFE Class

March 2010...

We go to ECFE classes on Thursday evenings. Chloe loves it! There's lots of fun toys and all of the other kids are under 12 months. It's fun to watch them interact and play together.

Everything tastes so good!

Chloe and MaKenna LeGare. I couldn't get either one to look at the camera. Too much stuff to play with!

What's on your head MaKenna?

Monday, March 15, 2010


I added a poll to the blog to see what everyone thinks Baby B is going to be. There are 49 days til the due date... wow! My guess is boy. I have no good reason for this because every pregnancy has been the same. I'm VERY lucky! :) I was big with Jared, little with Chloe, and now I'm huge again so that's my only reasoning.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mobile Pics from Brainerd

I forgot I had a few more pics on my phone from our vacation.

The long ride home. They both conked out for almost the whole ride home.

The tire when we got to home. The roads were a mess!

Chloe - 10 1/2 months old

February 28th... Chloe and I were enjoying the sunny front porch Sunday afternoon. She was being a little ham so I grabbed the camera and got some really great shots! Who needs to pay a photographer?! =) She always tends to quit smiling when I put the camera in her face so we have some more serious looking shots... I love 'em!

And... we're done! She took a few steps and took off crawling.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Lil' Hillbilly Baby

February 22nd... Chloe is still hanging in there with 3 teeth. 2 on the bottom and 1 on top. It cracks me up because the top one is growing really fast so I call her my lil' hillbilly baby.

February 17th... This is her signature move with her tongue. It's always twisted and rubbing against the spot where the other front tooth should be coming in. Hopefully soon! She wants to eat everything and anything she can get her hands on. A few more chompers would really help!

Belly - 31 weeks

March 1st... I'm 31 weeks pregnant today! Finally took a belly pic. I'm SO big compared to what I was with Chloe. Ugh! I guess only have a 2 month break between pregnancies doesn't give the belly much of a chance to tighten up! So far I'm guessing boy. No good reasons... just my guess. Jared REALLY wants a brother so it better be a boy or we're sending her back. He thinks he can call God and have him come get her and that's that! I just love how his mind works... he comes up with the most creative stuff sometimes! =)

Jared's Barn

February 21st... Keith decided to added another project to his list. He really went all-out on this one! I guess the machine shed needed a matching barn. =)
Primed and ready for the first coat of paint...

February 23rd... Jared HAD to help with painting. He tried his best but that kid had paint everywhere! It wouldn't have been a big deal but it's latex paint so it doesn't come out very easily.

February 28th... Ta da!!! Keith put on the finishing touches and we moved them out of the garage until Spring. My mom was giving him crap about how now he'll need to pour a cement slab to set them on and you could tell by the look on his face that he already thought about it. Good grief! I think some gravel would be sufficient... but what do I know?! =)
Chloe is in the hay loft... yep... 2 levels!
So proud!!!