Thursday, July 2, 2009

Grandma Patty

I know some of you may have already heard. And for those that haven't... now you'll know. I figured it would be easiest to post this on my blog instead of emailing or calling everyone. And it will be easy to keep everyone updated in the future. Here's a timeline of what's been going on recently.

Father's Day...

Patty (Keith's mom) sat us all down and let us know that she had been to the doctor earlier that week. She went in for a routine blood pressure check so that she could get her prescription renewed. I don't want to go into too much detail so, to make a long story short... she had some scans done and found out that she had a mass of tumors on her ovaries and they immediately sent her to a specialist at United Hospital in St. Paul. She knew that she would have to have surgery but wouldn't know if the tumors were cancerous until they performed the surgery.

Monday... (this week)

She had the surgery at United Hospital. Roger, Kelly and Craig were there with her. Unfortunately, the tumors were cancerous. Stage 2 ovarian cancer. I feel sick to my stomach just typing the words. We are all beyond devastated.

Keith and I went to visit her after work and she looked really good... considering what she just went through. She was up and walking around... the doctor said that's really good this soon after surgery. She told us that they removed the tumors and performed a total hysterectomy and took out her appendix and some lymph nodes to do further testing. There was a tumor on each ovary. One was the size of a softball and the other was the size of a baseball. Shocking. They intend to start chemo in 6 weeks.


Great news... the lymph nodes were not cancerous!!! She will still have to go through chemo but this a big step in the right direction!


I haven't heard anything else as of this morning but I think she should be coming home either today or Friday... earlier, the better if you ask her! I don't have many other details right now.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We need our Grandma Patty around for a long, long time yet! As Jared would say... we love her to pieces!

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