Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's a GIRL!

Sorry for the delay. Things have been a little hectic... but in a good way. =)
May 7th, 2010... We were scheduled to be induced Thursday morning (the 6th). My due date was the 3rd and I was dilated to 4 cm but that day came and went... go figure. Then on Wednesday afternoon while shopping at Walmart, I got a phone call from Dr. Jorve. The OB department was full and there was a high risk induction that needed to be done on Thursday so I got moved to Friday. Wonderful. 24 more hours of being pregnant. At this point, I was more than ready to be done!
To make matters worse, Chloe was sick so it was tough for me to leave her for a few days.
Had to get a shot of her "riding the belly". Good thing she's such a peanut... it's a perfect fit!
A positive was the weather was cold and rainy so that made it easier on Keith. =)

We checked in around 7:15 and got settled in to the room. The nurse came and put in the dreaded I.V. The right arm was unsuccessful but it worked in the left. (The bruises lasted over a week) Surprisingly enough, I was having contractions so I was never induced. I got the epidural around 11:30 and the doctor came in around 12:30 to break my water. Holy cow! Usually it's a slow leak but not this time. I was dilated to 6 cm so that should have been the last step. Wrong. By the look on my doctor's face I knew something was wrong. She couldn't feel the head. The head has always been right there. I felt the top of my belly... crap! There was the head. She was breech. Since my water was already broken there was no chance of trying to turn her so they had to do a C-section. Crap! I knew there is always a chance of needed to have one but it was such a surprise. The epidural was already in so they just had to get me down to the operating room. I'm not sure who was more nervous, Keith or me. It all happened very quickly.

It's a girl!!! (Dr. Jorve and Dr. Khayat)


Daddy cutting the cord.

Hi, Mommy!

Family Picture

9 pounds 6 ounces!!! One pound less than her brother.
Born at 1:26pm and 21.25" long

Hanging out in the nursery after getting cleaned up.

Still pretty loopy from all of the drugs.

Morgan's first visitors... Grandma & Grandpa Beranek

"She's beautiful!"

Grandma Deb

Awww... such love!

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