Monday, October 4, 2010

Where's Daddy?

Saturday, October 2nd...
Saturdays mornings are usually pretty predictable at our house. Keith gets up before the crack of dawn and goes to "work on stuff" at the farm. Usually it means tinkering with machinery for a while and then eating breakfast with his parents and drinking a pot of coffee with his dad while they discuss everything and anything about farming. For me, I usually try to sleep in as late as the kids let me. Anything after 7am is a treat! This particular Saturday, Chloe decided she was ready to rock-n-roll at 6:15. I tried to cuddle with her but she wasn't having it. She'd say "Da-da" and point outside. I tried telling her that "da-da" wasn't out there but she wasn't having it. So I gave in and put her hat and boots on so she could go outside and look for herself. It was chilly! I had to grab the camera on the way out the door... she'll love me for it some day, I'm sure! ;)

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