Tuesday, February 3, 2009

30 Week & 4 Year Check-Up

I forgot to post this last week. Jared and I had our checkups last Thursday. He had his annual checkup and I had yet another quick check. Jared is still growing like a weed! He is 43" tall and is 46 pounds. That means that he is in the 93rd percentile for both. That's why everyone always thinks he's 5 or 6!

Baby Beranek is still doing great! Heartbeat was 160 bpm and the belly is measuring right where it should be. Jared got to help hold the doppler to listen to the baby... had to be right there to check out what was going on! 

There's one more story to share from our day (thanks for reminding me, Kim!)...
We stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few things before heading home. We had been there for about 15 minutes when Jared decided it was time to go potty. It's always urgent by the time he figures out that he has to go so he just took off. I was trying to follow him and inform him that the restroom was at the back of the store but he was headed to the front. By the time I caught up to him (not fast with a cart and big belly), he was out the front door. Pants down to his knees, pointing "it" at Broadway, whizzing on a snow bank. I just about DIED! I grabbed him, yanked his pants up and drug him back into the store... trying to explain that you can't do that in town! It didn't help that it was a little before 5pm and traffic was pretty busy! I have no idea if anyone we know drove by because I was not going to make eye contact with anyone! Plus there were about 6 people by the check out line that had a clear view of the whole scene. Can you say embarrassed?! I did have to laugh, after the fact, but not until I paid for my stuff and got the heck outta there! This will be a good one to bring up in about 10 or 15 years!

Never a dull moment in our lives!!! And we wouldn't want it any other way! =)

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