Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busy Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Jared and I spent the day together at home. Nothing too exciting but I did catch a few of his classic "moments" on camera. First, I washed a bunch of our throw blankets... not very interesting, I know. But when I asked Jared to take them out of the dryer, this is what I saw when I went to check what he was giggling about...

"They're SO warm!" (He has a thing for warm laundry)

The sun was shining brightly today so our front porch really warmed up. It's gets nice and toasty out there so I told Jared to go out there and take a nap... he thought it was a great idea! I was trying to bake bars so I didn't need anymore "help" in the kitchen. After a few minutes of listening to him wrestle around I walked out there to find this... 

He has his jacket hood on his head and legs in the arm holes... what a monkey!

Then he popped out and made a funny face... never did take a nap!

Then, a little later, while I was still working on baking bars, he found this cool thing to play with. It's a syringe for medicine... again, not very interesting! He was pretending to give me shots like at the doctor. Then he wanted to put medicine in it so he could put it in his mouth. I decided water would be a better substitute! He sucked it up and then squirted it in his mouth... he thought it was the greatest thing ever! Why do we spend money on toys?!

He wasn't done yet... You always know he's up to something when it's quiet for more than a minute or two. He found the stash of rubber gloves and decided to put them on his hands AND his feet. Plus he found his crazy-eyed glasses... quite the get-up!  

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