Tuesday, March 3, 2009

34 Week (& 3 Days) Check-Up

Everything is looking good so far! Heartbeat was 158/bpm... still pretty fast! I have to laugh at the scale... I think I gain about 5 or 6 pounds by the end of every day so I'm always heavier when I get to the clinic in the afternoon. My scale at home tells me that I've gained about 23 pounds... clinic says 28 so I'm gonna stick with my naked weigh-ins in the morning at home! :) As long as I can still bend to the side to read it, anyway! Measurements were right on and the head is down... now let's hope it stays that way! I also asked her about inducing if I make it to 40 weeks and she was fine with that. I don't want another 10 pound 6 ounce slugger! We practically had to force Jared out... vacuum and all!!!

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