Friday, March 13, 2009

36 Week Check-Up

I start going in every week now to get "checked". I went in yesterday afternoon and things are starting to happen!!! My weight stayed the same but I'm measuring 38cm (supposed to be the same as the week) so I'm a little big but that's totally normal. And I'm ALMOST dilated to 1 cm!!! That's good news to me because that means things might start happening soon... or maybe not... but I'm hoping sooner than later! I'd prefer not to get induced. But then again, I'm a little nervous about having my water break at work or when I'm out-n-about driving or shopping. I'd prefer how Krystal had it... sit down on the toilet and... what the... Oh!... my water broke! :) I also think the baby "dropped". People have been commenting that the bump looks lower and it feels like it too. And for the last 2 days my hips have been sore... like I've been riding a horse all day. I try not to waddle but I kinda feel like I am. Oh well, I can handle another 25 days... or less!!!

So, things are good! Gotta pack my bag and put the car seat in... piece of cake! I think Keith is more nervous than I am. Labor was pretty tough on him last time... all that back rubbing and counting really takes a toll on a guy! Ha ha!!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. yeah..... baby time. I can not wait for him or her to come.
