Friday, April 10, 2009

Epidural Heaven!

I got an epidural at 2:30 or so and it was amazing! The contractions were uncomfortable enough to get that going and I'm glad I went with it. My back pain was almost worse than the contractions so once I was numb it was heaven! As of 3:30 I was at 5 cm and 75% effaced so she broke my water. We've been sitting here relaxing... waiting for her to come back around 5:30 to check where I'm at. Hopefully I will be at or close to a 10 so we can get this munchkin out! We just finalized our boy name (girl name hasn't changed since before Jared was born) so we are READY!!! The waiting is driving us both crazy. I'm starving! Keith just went for a snack... I'm jealous! Ice chips just aren't cutting it. I had a Tootsie Pop earlier... woohoo!   

1 comment:

  1. I agree, epidural is so the way to go!! Good luck, can't wait to find out what you guys have!!
